Miller Homes - Success Story - Oak Engage | Oak Engage
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Miller Homes transforms it’s communication process

As a company with a combination of remote and office-based staff, leading UK homebuilder Miller Homes was keen to find a platform that would help improve business communication, easily upload company news and showcase its new housing developments with employees. Keep reading to find out how they found their perfect intranet match.

Industry: Consruction | No. of users: 1,500-2,000 | Area: England & Scotland

Results with Oak Engage

99% intranet sign up rate

97% monthly engagement rate

Accessed by over 70% of employees

The challenge

Improving company-wide information

For Miller Homes, one of its main objectives was to improve company-wide communication. With a large workforce and many deskless employees, they needed a platform that would enable them to communicate with their workforce efficiently.

Additionally, as an organisation that relies on being able to visually showcase its new projects and housing developments, having an intranet that allows for various types of content to be easily uploaded and shared was also important. With the help of Oak, Miller Homes was able to improve its existing communication capabilities and make information and documentation easily accessible to the workforce.

The solution

Providing the tools they needed

Utilising communication functionalities like News Articles and Push-E Notifications gives Miller Homes the confidence that the message has been received and helps keep staff informed when new company-wide information and updates have been published.

By using Oak’s Homepage Manager, Miller Homes has been able to create dedicated pages on key company activity, such as health and wellbeing, people news and charity activity, to both support and encourage greater collaboration across the business.

Miller Homes has seen high rates of engagement with content hosted within its intranet; thanks to Oak’s simple design tools. This has allowed for the creation of professional and simple areas of information, making it straightforward for users to find the key tools they need instantly to support them in their roles. These areas also make use of News Articles and Hubs, which make getting news out to the workforce very easy, and with the use of Notices, specific areas of the business can be targeted to ensure everyone who needs to be informed, is informed.

“Oak is a great partner and a pleasure to work with. We were seeking to improve our intranet to further support communication and engagement with our employees and Oak offered a solution that suited our requirements. We have developed a strong working relationship with our account team and find them receptive and responsive to supporting our needs as a business.”

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