Severfield - Success Story - Oak Engage | Oak Engage
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Severfield upgrades their communication process with Oak Engage

With a workforce made up of 1400 people, national leading structural steel company, Severfield, needed a solution to keep their staff engaged and stay connected to their remote workers.

Industry: Manufacturing | No. of users: 1,700 | Area: Global

Results with Oak Engage

95% employee engagement rate

99.5% total content view

Keeping workforce engaged

The challenge

Creating a friendly platform

Severfield spent over a year developing a SharePoint intranet which lacked a user friendly interface and brought more challenges than triumphs. After tirelessly trying to build a successful platform they decided they needed a better solution; something intuitive, user friendly and a platform with a large scope for various content formats to keep their employees engaged with ease. 

With a 50/50 split workforce between office-based and deskless employees, Severfield needed a platform that would enable them to connect instantaneously with each and every employee, no matter the location or device. With engaging content at the forefront of their needs, Severfield needed a platform that supports a range of content types to engage employees and provide spaces for employees to access the all important information - payslips and company policies - in an instant.

The solution

Exceeding expectations 

Oak exceeded Severfield’s expectations of what could be possible for an intuitive intranet and together created a 12-week plan to ensure Severfield stayed connected to its workforce whilst their new intranet was in the process of being created. Oak helped Severfield with: 

Distributing Important Company Updates

Within a week user accounts were made for all employees and a dedicated page was created to keep employees updated and informed during the global pandemic. 

Content & Social Sharing  

Features such as Messenger and Hubs mean that employees can interact socially with other colleagues and instantly share all kinds of content from images to videos on the main timeline. 

Easy Access to Important Information 

Oak’s unique documentation management systems enable all employees to access important company information and policies in a safe and controlled environment.

“We were incredibly impressed by the pure simplicity in creating content and building pages. Content can be created in minutes, compared to what was hours on our old system. It also looks modern and works great across all devices.”

Ready to get started?

If you like what you see, we offer a free and personalised demo service, showcasing our intuitive and easy-to-use platform. Tailored to meet your specific needs.

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